☐ Už niekoľko týždňov v útrobách interiérov Domu Samuela Mikovíniho a v ateliéroch prebieha intenzívna príprava výstavného projektu KROTENIE KRAJINY.
☐ Skupina autorov a autorky v kurátorskej koncepcii Antona Čierneho formuje umeleckú reflexiu Mikovíniho diela. Ako kartograf a vedátor Mikovíni uvažoval o krajine?
☐ Nenechajte si ujsť tento vzrušujúci moment a PRIJMITE POZVANIE NA VERNISÁŽ VÝSTAVY.
☛ V PONDELOK 2.12.2024 o 18.00. Priamo v dome, kde Mikovíni žil, trávil svoj súkromný, profesný a pedagogický čas.
Podujatie je súčasťou projektu MIKOVÍNI HUB, ktorý je podporený Islandom, Lichtenštajnskom a Nórskom v rámci Grantov EHP a Nórska z Fondu pre bilaterálne vzťahy www.eeagrants.sk. Spoločne za zelenú, konkurencieschopnú a inkluzívnu Európu / Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
☐ For several weeks now, in the interiors of the Samuel Mikovini House and in art studios, an intensive preparation of the exhibition project THE TAMING OF THE LANDSCAPE has been underway.
☐ A group of artists, under the curatorial guidance of Anton Čierny, are shaping an artistic reflection of Mikovini’s work. How did the cartographer and scientist Mikovíni think about landscape?
☐ Don’t miss this exciting moment and ACCEPT THE INVITATION TO OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION.
☛ On MONDAY 2 Dec 2024 at 6 pm. Right in the house where Mikovini lived – spent several years of his private and work time, including hours of teaching.
The event is part of the MIKOVINI HUB project, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norway Grants from the Fund for Bilateral Relations www.eeagrants.sk.
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.